Thursday, December 6, 2007

Music in the home

We introduced Tika to the sound of musical instruments quickly during the first few months. Starting out with the guitar, moving on through the banjo and then to the fiddle. I am happy to say that she tolerates all the noise I make and, sometimes, even naps peacefully by my side while I play. Today, however, Tika was a bit impatient and really would have preferred that we go out an play fetch. Halfway through the video you will see her leave the room to the right and return. She will then stare me down with a tennis ball in her mouth - which she soon drops on the floor ("thud") the better to share her thoughts with vocal entreatment.

One Year Old

In January we will celebrate our first anniversary as a family with a dog, since Tika came home at 8 weeks. She turned one year old in November and I can't imagine life without her. Part of everyone's daily routine now.
 On workdays the house wakes up at 5:30 am and by 7:30 am Tika and I are out the door for our one mile, around the block walk. Sunny days, cold days, rainy days... I think we have missed very few of these walks since September although on weekends they occur a bit later.